Name of the company:
Member of the Management Board and Director:
Poslovna banka:
Val Publishing House was founded in May 2017. Founder and 100% owner Dragan Ogurlić.
The company is registered in the Court Register of the Commercial Court in Rijeka, MB 4729358.
The share capital in the amount of 2.654 € has been paid in full.
Val Publishing House (Naklada Val) continues its publishing activity at the Adamić Publishing House, which in its 23 years of existence has established itself as a leading publisher in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and several surrounding counties, and is recognized by the publishing program in the region.
In thirty years of continuity, close to 600 titles have been published. It is about the widest range of books and thematic areas from picture books, fiction, monographs to professional books. On these publishing foundations, Val Publishing House works closely with the local community, the University of Rijeka, Ministry of Culture and Media and equally with the highest Croatian institutions.
Special attention is paid to nurturing the linguistic cultural heritage by publishing titles on the coastal and Dalmatian čakavica (local language).
Book placement is realized in cooperation with all bookstore chains in Croatia (Školska knjiga, Hoću knjigu, Znanje, Tisak Media, Knjižara Ljevak, EDIT ...), in total at more than 150 points of sale including its own bookstore. Editions in foreign languages are offered to the European and world market.
Val Publishing House participates with its publications in all major book and author fairs in Croatia (Interliber, Vrisak, Dream of Books in Istria) and international fairs in Frankfurt and Bologna. Cooperation on joint editions with publishers from Italy, Canada and Norway is realized.
At the end of December 2018, in the center of Rijeka at the address Ivana Zajca 20 on the second floor, a new Bookstore Val was opened, which thematically brings editions by Rijeka, Kvarner and Adriatic publishers. In 2022, it was declared the best independent bookstore in Croatia (except Zagreb).
More than sixty publishers are present in the Bookstore with their latest editions, half of which are local and do not exhibit anywhere else, which is a unique offer in Rijeka and beyond. Among foreign bookstores, the most common cooperation is with the bookstore chain La Libreria del Mare (Milan-Rome-Palermo) and Freytag & Berndt from Vienna.
By decision of the Senate of the University of Rijeka, as of May 2024, Naklada Val was granted the status of an expert base of the University of Rijeka.
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